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 标准版会员  活跃指数 34077   企业网址: http://gzkeda.wnet.com.cn 给我留言 给我留言
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联系人:吕健超 给我留言 留言
传 真:020-61933299
      科達精密電子設備廠專門從事設備(含專用設備)研發製造,  測試儀器開發研製,以及治工具開發的綜合性工廠.工廠位于廣州市番禺區南粵豐工業園內, 地處番禺交通樞紐核心位置的市頭東線大道,毗鄰地鐵新造站,華南快速干線,蓮花山碼頭,鍾村火車站. 可方便快捷為廣大用戶服務.
       工廠以開拓創新、感動客戶、持續改進、追求卓越為宗旨,通過高技術、高起點、高要求,優秀的管理團隊、完善的管理,熟練的技術人才、卓越的品質,誠摯為客戶創造價值,優質的服務,廣泛贏得了中外客戶的信賴. 國際知名品牌OMRON. SONY. CASIO. OLYMPUS. HITACHI .
         KEDA  precise electronic factory is specialization in designing equipment (including special equipment),test equipment,jig and fixture. Our factory is located in Nanuefeng industrial district of Guangzhou city panyu district Nantun villege. The position of our factory is the traffic hinge of panyu city. It abuts the subway entrance of Xingzhao, Huanan freeway, Lianhua mountain shipside and the new train station. So we can provide convenience and timely service for our clients.
         We pursue innovation, inspiring clients,continued improvement. Being superexcellence is our aim.We have an excellent team, mature management rules and consummate management and experienced engineer and specialized worker. We gain trustfulness with our  excellent quality, first-class service and adding values for our clients. Our clients are a lot of world famous company for example  OMRON,SONY,CASIO,OLYMPUS,HITACHI, etc.   
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